IAM Assert Role

Back at the start of 2021, I delved into a small curiosity project around how to assert ownership of an AWS role to a non-AWS entity. I implemented an API Gateway Sigv4 signer in a Spring RestTemplate Interceptor . Later we integrated that design in a production app. That security integration has had zero issues since. As a thought experiment, I wanted to see if it was possible to use an IAM root of trust when calling other endpoints besides API Gateway....

August 31, 2023 · 4 min · Daniel Adams

System Dependencies

Cloud Service Dependencies To quote Werner Vogles, “Everything fails all the time.” When designing an app, we want to carefully evaluate what dependencies it requires. Cloud services are highly available, but the union of many can still lead to a measurable decrease in availability. Dependencies that are not absolutely necessary should fail open to allow the system to continue doing critical work. Below are two examples I have personally run into in the past couple of years....

August 24, 2023 · 5 min · Daniel Adams

Wasm for Platforms

Today we will follow up on my previous post about programmable platforms and delve into WebAssembly as an implementation option. I have read about WebAssembly on the CloudFlare blog since 2019, but my interest piqued the other day when listening to the Software Snack Bites podcast about WebAssembly . The 1.0 spec was published in December 2019 which started a marked uptick in awareness. Notable implementations include Wasmtime by the Bytecode Alliance (writers of the spec) and the CNCF project WasmEdge ....

June 12, 2023 · 4 min · Daniel Adams

Platforms, Not Products

Back in April, I read one of Gergley’s newsletters on Steve Yegge and Developer Productivity . It was a very insightful and enjoyable read, but the part that stood out to me was not the main topic of the post. It was a semi-famous (but unknown to me) piece Steve wrote after six years of tenure at both Amazon and Google. Known as Stevey’s Google Platforms Rant , it contrasts Amazon’s and Google’s execution and mindset....

June 4, 2023 · 4 min · Daniel Adams