Blog Search and Premature Optimization

Head over to the search page to try out the newly added search feature! Hugo has a docs page on search options. Most solutions leverage lunr or fuse, both JavaScript client-side libraries. This theme, Papermod, supports search with fuse.js via Hugo’s native JSON output format. When enabled JSON output, I noticed file index.json had the full-text content of all blog posts. Fuse.js pulls this JSON client side and performs a fuzzy search on the content....

September 21, 2023 · 2 min · Daniel Adams

RSS Setup

I like RSS as an idea/protocol as well as a reading experience. It is one of the few places on the internet where you can consume only desired content and don’t have algorithms pushing something else. Pulling RSS feeds from various sites embodies the peer-to-peer nature of the internet. Over time, we have swayed toward central entities being our conduit to information contained on other sites (Google, Facebook, Twitter, link aggregators like Reddit)....

July 17, 2023 · 3 min · Daniel Adams

Blog Images

When I started writing, I anticipated it would be mostly text with the occasional diagram included. But my most recent post was long enough I figured a picture might make it a bit more interesting. I knew I could store the images in my Hugo static site repo, but I didn’t want the over-time slowdown caused by having to clone even small images. I wanted to host them outside the posts repo....

June 29, 2023 · 2 min · Daniel Adams

Hello World

Two things came together to lead me to start this blog. Exploring new tech has been a desire for a while. The other, writing, is a recent realization of necessity. My personal goal is to write one post a week for the next year. Writing The more contemporary driving factor is improving my writing. Several sources I’ve read and listened to lately have emphasized the importance of writing. Brian Chambers, chief enterprise architect at Chick-fil-a, has advocated for writing in public ....

May 29, 2023 · 3 min · Daniel Adams