Influence or Persuasion?

I was given the book Influence by a coworker to help me work on leadership skills. She warned me that the book bordered on the social engineering side of influence. Boy, was that correct! The book goes into our natural instincts and reactions to others’ behavior and how those patterns can be leveraged. One thing I thought was interesting and underscored the real-life applications of these theories were the studies referenced in the book....

October 7, 2023 · 3 min · Daniel Adams

CAP Theorem, Free Will, and Determinism

CAP Theorem Recently I listened to CAP Theorem 23 Years Later with Eric Brewer on the Software Engineering Daily podcast. I didn’t recognize the name at first (shame on me), but it was very cool to hear about the CAP theorem from the original postulator. I haven’t had a chance to work on distributed systems in real life, but I find the topic fascinating. Coordinated cache eviction was the closest I’ve come....

July 27, 2023 · 4 min · Daniel Adams