Staff Engineer by Will Larson

Last weekend I was painting the boys’ room and signed up for an Audible trial for some longer-form content than my typical podcasts. I’m not the fastest painter, clocking about 5 hours for cleaning, taping, and clean up and 6 for painting. By the end, the room looked great and the boys were very happy. As mentioned in a previous post, I’ll listen to Will Larson’s StaffEng podcast while driving to work....

September 9, 2023 · 7 min · Daniel Adams

Staff Engineer Resources

Lately, I have been fascinated with researching the behaviors of Staff Engineers. They focus on having the highest possible impact on the organization. Generally, this means enabling and leveling up others around them over just concentrating on their personal contributions. As a Senior engineer, I still do a lot of designing and implementing instead of being primarily others-focused. However, I still try to pick up these behaviors and use them on the side when fitting....

August 10, 2023 · 2 min · Daniel Adams